Thursday, December 19, 2019

final assessment

     Critique on my posterized portrait 
  • Did I work as hard as I could have? I found that I worked hard to make it aesthetically pleasing and well done
  • Did I set and maintain high standards for myself? Yes, I had and really always have high standards for my work 
  • Did I spend enough time to do quality work? Yes, I believe I did at least, I wanted it to look really good
  • Did I regulate my procrastination, distractions, and temptations in order to complete my work? I partially did, I completed almost everything on time
  • Did I make good use of available resources? I think I did, I tried to make sure I used almost every tool available at least one
  • Did I ask questions if I needed help? Yes, I felt stupid if I didn't ask and correct myself
  • Did I review and re-review my work for possible errors? Yes, I wanted a good grade
  • Did I examine best practices for similar work? Yes, if it worked and looked well done I would use it 
  • Is my work something for which I am proud—that I would proudly show to a large, global audience?  I would be proud to show most of my work, a lot of them were pleasing to view
Objectives:How well does your piece solve the project requirements? I believe I solved the project requirements to the extent I could
Did you take your time or rush? Do you have good craftsmanship?
Did you stay on task?  I did take my time and finished it by deadline for almost every project. I do think I didn't stay on task much 
How original is your work? Did you explore new ideas or just stick to the basic requirements?
I tried to make my work original and my own, even when I used reference I changed it at least a little 
How does this work compare to your previous work? It is a lot better, it looks more finished 
Does it show improvement in skills, thought and planning? I think it showed improvement as I worked throughout this class, my planning was messy but more organised than before
Are you sketching and brainstorming before you begin your work? Usually unless I know exactly what i'm doing 
Composition and Design
How did you use the Elements and Principles of Design to create interest in your work?
Elements -  Line        Form     Color     Value    space    texture.
I found that I used form, color, and space to my advantage, my use of it always made it look more pleasing to myself.
Principles – Balance        Unity     Contrast               Emphasis             Patter
For principles I found my balance, unity, and contrast were pretty well done, some of the others were lacking some times

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

final assessment

      Critique on my posterized portrait  Did I work as hard as I could have? I found that I worked hard to make it aesthetically pleasin...